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Currently, new government guidelines are re- sponsible for accelerating the modernization of existing buildings: Government regulations regarding insulation and primary energy use are being tightened each year. The ever increasing cost of non-renewable en- ergy like heating oil, gas, and coal, results in rising business overheads and due to their CO2 emissions, the high energy consumption of un-refurbished buildings has a negative effect on a sustainable environment. A façade refurbishment can help, in a number of ways, to significantly reduce the energy consumption of existing buildings: Effective insulation reduces the energy requirement, in- tegrated sun-shading minimizes user need for additional cooling and provides a glare-free working environment. Due to improved win- dows, draughts will be excluded and ventila- tion and extraction of stale air can be properly managed. A reduction in energy consumption is accom- panied by a reduction in overheads and a si- multaneous increase in user comfort. The positive effects of modernization projects are good for everyone: Investors, users, and due to a reduction in CO2 emissions, the gen- eral community. „Eine gelungene Sanierung kann wegweisend für die gesamte Um- gebung sein. Der Gebäudebestand ist prägend für die Identiät unserer Städte — und die müssen wir erhal- ten. Und wenn die Gebäude dann auch noch energetisch den gleichen Standard erreichen wie Neubauten, können wir alle nur profitieren.“ “A successful refurbishment can pave the way forward for an en- tire neighborhood. Housing stock shapes the identity of our cities – we have to preserve it. And if refur- bished buildings can reach the same energy saving standards as new- build, it benefits everyone.” Ulli Moser, Architektin, München/GER 9prolog | profile Special Modernization
