Take responsibility
As a manufacturing company, Schüco is aware that its economic activities have effects on the environment and that it therefore has an obligation to nature and to succeeding generations in terms of resources and environmentally-friendly trade. This means that not only do the Schüco systems underlie the basic principles of sustainable product development, but the employees also make a contribution to minimising the impact on the environment through their responsible day-to-day actions.
The focus of these endeavours is the carbon footprint of the company. In 2011 for the first time, Schüco calculated the carbon footprint of its German sites and recorded a value of 74,292 t CO2eq. The target is now to recalculate this value every year and to sustainably reduce it using eco-friendly measures.
In addition, the environmental management system of Schüco International KG at the registered office of the company in Bielefeld is certified to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001 and the quality management according to the quality management standard ISO 9001