Wyszukiwarka Schüco
Ogólne warunki sprzedaży i dostaw
Schüco International Polska Sp. z o.o.
Schüco Polymer Technologies KG
- General purchase conditions, January 2016 (pdf, 28,7 KB)
- General terms and conditions of sale and delivery, January 2016 (pdf, 37,4 KB)
- Supplementary terms and conditions of sale and delivery for surface finishing and associated services, January 2016 (pdf, 34,0 KB)
Technology Center Schüco International KG
Schüco Digital Gesellschaft mbH
- General conditions hire purchasing conditions hard- and software, May 2017 (pdf, 108,3 KB)
- Supplementary general terms and conditions for software installed on mobile devices, May 2017 (pdf, 77,2 KB)
Schüco PWS Produktions KG
Schüco PWS Kaschierungs KG
Technical Details