Highest quality and environmental standards
The current issue of sustainability is based on global political developments with milestones such as the "Limits of growth" report by of the Club of Rome in 1972, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol with its climate targets. These led to the emergence of sustainable development, environmental guidelines, regulations and standards at global, European and national levels.
Highest quality and environmental standards
More than 80% of the buildings in Germany are over 25 years old and their energy consumption is far above the targeted level required by the EnEV.Buildings account for 40% of the energy requirement and the associated CO2 emissions, making them a focus of the measures declaredfor the climate targets. The market is determined by legal regulations such as EPBD 2010 and ENEV 2012 with more stringent requirements and, as of July 2013, the Construction Products Regulation with sustainability as a new prerequisite, in addition to further energy shortages and energy price rises.