EPD:er (Environmental Product Declarations) ger arkitekter, planerare, investerare och byggnadscertifierare värdefull information såsom koldioxidavtrycket för en byggprodukt. Schüco erbjuder EPD:er genom en knapptryckning i mjukvaruprogrammet SchüCal.
Detta går utöver generisk data och ger specifik information om Schüco-systemen. Simuleringen av olika fasaddesigner gör att du kan se det förväntade koldioxidavtrycket och optimera det därefter.
Alongside choosing suitable materials, efficient operating concepts can also have a positive impact on the carbon footprint of the building envelope. Highly insulated façade units and energy-efficient systems have now become the standard. Automated building management with night-time cooling or heat-recovery ventilation systems also facilitate a significant reduction in operational carbon.
Together with Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) for decentralised energy generation and efficient maintenance and retrofitting concepts, architects and planners have everything they need to manage the carbon footprint for building operation in a targeted way.