Supply chain and human rights
Our supply chain action area covers a range of concerns that are of particular importance to us as a company with global supply chains. In addition to the challenge of reducing greenhouse gases along the entire supply chain and pursuing responsible procurement methods, we also focus on safeguarding human rights and the environment, as well as maintaining good working relationships with our suppliers.
“Respect for and protection of human rights and the environment form the basis of our economic activity. We can only be successful if our business activities are in harmony with people and the environment, and if we are aware of this responsibility.”
Protection of human rights
As an international company, we are required to comply with internationally recognised standards such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We are committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights and aligning our corporate activities to these without compromise. This applies both to our own area of business and to our business activities along the entire supply and value chain.
Our clear stance on human rights is also included in our compliance guidelines within our code of conduct. In addition, you can find a detailed statement in our policy statement (pdf, 138.9 KB).
Schüco supplier code of conduct
Schüco supplier code of conduct
Our supply chains are spread across the world and strict social and ecological requirements do not apply in all of these countries. In order to fulfil our responsibility with regard to the protection of human rights and the environment, we developed a code of conduct for our suppliers (pdf, 125.9 KB) together with the WWF in 2019. This code of conduct is based on established, internationally recognised standards such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
All our extrusion plants have already signed the code of conduct. This was an important first step in procuring our main material, aluminium. With regard to the German Supply Chain Act, which applies in Germany as of 1 January 2023, Schüco has laid all the necessary foundations and established a process in close cooperation with our direct suppliers to ensure the protection of human rights and the environment, thereby implementing responsible supply chain management.
The German Supply Chain Act
The German Supply Chain Act
The new German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) applies as of 1 January 2023 to all companies with more than 3000 employees – and therefore to Schüco International KG. Under this law, companies are obligated to fulfil their global responsibility with regard to human rights and environmental standards. The law defines duties of care which the company must implement in its own area of business, towards indirect suppliers and towards direct suppliers where required.
The following duties of care are part of the law:
- Definition of in-house responsibility
- Establishment of a risk management system
- Regular risk analyses
- Publication of a policy statement
- Establishment of preventative measures
- Implementation of remedial action in case of non-compliance
- Establishment of a complaints procedure
- Documentation and reporting
The risk areas enshrined in the law and the accompanying requirements and prohibitions include child labour, forced labour and discrimination. Environmental issues are also defined in the Supply Chain Act.
Our materials along the supply chain
As a developer and provider of system solutions for windows, doors and façades, Schüco is reliant on natural resources and materials such as metals and engineering plastics. We are conscious that our main materials aluminium and PVC-U can pose ecological and social challenges along the supply chain. This is why we critically scrutinise every part of our supply chain. Our partnership with the WWF allows us to check how effective our measures are. In this way, we can ensure that we are continuing to work purposefully towards a solution. We believe we can have a direct impact by implementing a procurement strategy that takes account of sustainability criteria. We are currently putting extra efforts into increasing our focus on the procurement of low-CO2 materials.
As part of the aluminium value chain, we believe it is our responsibility to increase the proportion of sustainably sourced aluminium. We can have a direct impact by implementing a procurement strategy that takes account of sustainability criteria. We are currently putting extra efforts into increasing our focus on the procurement of low-CO2 materials. When it comes to aspects that go beyond our area of influence, such as safeguarding human rights in upstream value creation stages, we turn to partnerships. As a founding member of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), for example, we are committed to establishing globally valid, certifiable sustainability standards in the aluminium supply chain. Schüco is certified in accordance with both ASI standards – the Performance standard and the Chain of Custody standard – which demonstrates its commitment to a responsible aluminium supply chain.
Our PVC-U division also campaigns for sustainable use of PVC along the value-creation chain. Its focus is on measures which reduce the carbon footprint of PVC, promote the sustainable use of additives and increase the annual proportion of recycled material. As part of VinylPlus, a sustainability programme run by the European PVC industry, Schüco Polymer Technologies is meeting the standards for sustainable procurement of raw materials and is committed to maintaining high sustainability standards in the procurement of raw materials.
Would you like to report a human rights infringement along the Schüco supply chain?
Visit our external information portal:
Schüco guarantees confidentiality across all whistleblower channels. The legal counsel is available to all whistleblowers free of charge.