Что Вы ищете?
What does this have to do with me as a fabricator?
The following prequisites apply to you as a fabricator for certification:
- Conclusion of a CE licence agreement with Schüco which explicitly allows use of the classification reports provided as well as the new CE order and fabrication manuals for fire and smoke protection.
- A Factory Production Control (FPC) in the manufacturing plant which meets the requirements of the product standard(s)
- Third-party monitoring, i.e. a successful initial inspection of the factory as well as annual monitoring of the FPC by a notified product certification body.
- Following a successful initial inspection for the FPC, the certificate for constancy of performance is granted.
The product can then be launched on the market on the basis of a Declaration of Performance and CE marking.

Мой рабочий стол
У вас еще нет учетной записи?
У зарегистрированных пользователей есть преимущества:
- Доступ к рабочим материалам (например, тендерная спецификация, данные из САПР, каталоги)
- Программное обеспечение и инструменты
- Список избранного
- Прямая связь с Schüco