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63news and products 12 Leitlinien und Strategien für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung – unter dieser Zielsetzung steht die Initiative der Bundesregierung „Zukunftsstadt”. Auch Schüco ist an dem transdisziplinären Projekt beteiligt. Guidelines and strategies for sustainable urban de- velopment – this is the aim of the “City of the Fu- ture” initiative of the German government. Schüco is also participating in the transdisciplinary project. Morgenstadt City of the future Die weltweite Verstädterung ist nicht zu stoppen. Aktuell lebt jeder zweite Mensch im städ- tischen Raum. In Deutschland liegt die Anzahl der Menschen in Städten bereits bei 70 %. Um den damit verbundenen enormen Energie- und Ressourcenver- brauch in verträgliche Bahnen zu lenken, entwickelte die Bundes- regierung den zukunftsweisen- den Fokus auf die „CO2 -neutrale, energieef ziente und klimaange- passte Stadt” im Rahmen ihrer Hightech-Strategie. Zahlreiche Expertinnen und Experten aus Kommunen, Wirtschaft und Wis- senschaft (darunter auch Herr Dr. Heusler von Schüco) entwi- ckeln im Rahmen der nationalen Plattform „Zukunftsstadt” eine Forschungs- und Umsetzungs- agenda mit dem Ziel, eine über- geordnete Strategie zur nach- haltigen Stadtentwicklung zu erarbeiten und diese umzuset- zen. Somit wird die Agenda mit Handlungsempfehlungen, zu den Bereichen Energie- und Ressour- cenverbrauch, Klimaanpassung und Resilienz, Transformations- management und Systemfor- schung, für die beteiligten Mi- nisterien hinaus auch an Städte, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Zi- vilgesellschaft adressiert werden. Es sollen Synergien zwischen aktuellen Forschungsprojekten entwickelt, Leitlinien für die sys- temische Vernetzung von Tech- nologieentwicklungen und die Zusammenarbeit der relevanten Akteure erarbeitet und neue For- schungsfelder und Forschungs- bedarfe erschlossen werden. Die Agenda soll voraussichtlich 2015 fertiggestellt werden. Be- gleitet wird die transdisziplinäre Plattform durch zwei Fraunhofer- Institute (Institut für Bauphysik und Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation) und dem Deut- schen Institut für Urbanistik – un- ter der Leitung von Dr. Eckhart Hertzsch vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik. Global urbanisation cannot be stopped. At present, every sec- ond person lives in an urban area. In Germany, the number of people in cities is already 70%. To bring under control the enormous consumption of energy and re- sources associated with this, the German government is focusing on its trailblazing concept of the “CO2 neutral, energy ef cient and climate adapted city” as part of its high-tech strategy. A number of experts from lo- cal communities, business, and science (including Dr Heusler from Schüco) are developing a research and implementation agenda as part of the national platform for the “City of the Fu- ture” with the aim of establishing and implementing an overarch- ing strategy for sustainable urban development. The agenda will therefore also be directed at cit- ies, business, science and civil society, with recommendations for action for the participating ministries in the areas of energy and resource consumption, cli- mate adaptation and resilience, transformation management and system research. The aim is to develop synergies between current research projects, to es- tablish guidelines for the system- atic networking of technological developments and collaboration between the relevant key players, and to tap into new elds of re- search and research needs. The agenda is expected to be com- pleted in 2015. The transdisci- plinary platform is supported by two Fraunhofer institutes (Insti- tute for Building Physics and the IAO) and the German Institute of Urban Affairs – under the leader- ship of Dr Eckhart Hertzsch from the Fraunhofer Institute for Build- ing Physics. Architecture at CTU came third in the 2013 Solar Decathlon with their “AIR House”. The project was tted with Schüco window, door and sliding systems. The Solar Decathlon is organised by the U.S. Department of Energy every year. The aim is to design, build and operate an attrac- tive, cost-effective, zero energy house. Dismantling this house in its home town and then rebuild- ing it at the competition venue, Ir- vine in the US state of California, is another “small” challenge. The AIR House has been de- signed as a zero energy house. The letter A stands for “Afford- able”, I for “Innovative” and R for “Recyclable” – the Czech team wanted to enter the competition with an affordable, innovative and recyclable house. But that’s not all. Thinking of their parents, who they casually refer to as the “emp- ty nest” generation, the students have developed a living concept which combines a functional, minimum living space with a gen- erous outdoor area – in line with the widespread tradition in the Czech Republic of living a mod- est life in the city and travelling to the country at the weekend. The AIR House is based on a “house within a house” energy concept, and is equipped with all the latest technical, energy-ef cient and environmentally friendly innova- tions – from the PV and solar en- ergy system, heat exchanger and cooling ceiling system, through to the use of grey water. The L- shaped foundation building is surrounded by a square structure with timber louvre blades, which performs several functions simul- taneously like a twin-wall façade. It supports the air circulation, pro- vides solar shading and screen- ing, and complements the more restrained substructure with its clean lines. In the AIR House, the AWS/ADS 70.HI and ASS 70.HI systems from Schüco were used. ©byibpFraunhofer
