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ThyssenKrupp Headquarter, Essen/GER, JSWD Architekten + ChaixMorel et ass., Bj. 2009/2010 ThyssenKrupp headquarters, Essen/GER, JSWD Architekten + ChaixMorel et ass., year of construction: 2009/2010 16 12 ifes – Heute an morgen denken | portrait ganzheitliche Analyse und Planung nachhaltiger Energiekonzepte, im Speziellen hier auch der Entwurf und die Optimierung der Bauphysik, der Energietechnik, des Schallschutzes und der Erstellung des EnEV- Nachweises. Dies alles unter dem Aspekt der Lebenszykluskosten. Eine zweite große Säule bildet die Simulation. Hierbei wird im Wesent- lichen zwischen der thermischen Gebäudesimulation, der Anlagensi- mulation, der numerischen Strömungssimulationen CFD (Computati- onal Fluid Dynamics) und der Brand- und Entrauchungssimulationen unterschieden. Diese Säule ermöglicht die objektive und detaillierte Analyse der Konzepte und Entwürfe in der frühen Planungsphase. Die dritte Säule beruht in der Zertifizierung von Gebäuden nach den Nach- haltigkeitsstandards DGNB, BREEAM und LEED und in der Nachhal- tigkeitsberatung von Bauherren und Architekten auf der Basis der un- terschiedlichen Zertifizierungssysteme, von der Planungsphase bis zur Fertigstellung. Ein viertes Aufgabenfeld der ifes ist die Planungs- und Qualitätssicherung, u.a. mit den Schwerpunkten Abnahme, Monitoring und Beratung für ein technisches Objekt- und Energiemanagement. 1.360 Projekte in 23 Jahren Jüngstes Projekt der ifes ist das Green Building „Besucherzentrum des XiXi Wetland-Park in Hangzhou/China“, für das Hoffmann und sein Team das Energie- und Klimakonzept erstellt hatten und das nun mit LEED Platin und dem renommierten chinesischen ELITE Award 2013 in Gold in der Kategorie Architektur ausgezeichnet wurde. Weitere aktuelle ifes-Projekte sind die „Tanzenden Türme“ von Bothe Rich- ter Teherani aus Hamburg sowie der Emporio Tower in Hamburg von HPP. Die Modernisierung des Hochhauses begleitete die ifes von der ersten Konzeptphase bis zur Fertigstellung, mit der thermischen Ge- bäudesimulation und der bauphysikalischen Analyse der Fassade. Für die LEED-Zertifizierung wurde das Energy Modeling mit einer „Whole Building Simulation“ für das LEED Platin durchgeführt. Auch im Port- folio der ifes: das ThyssenKrupp Headquarter in Essen, das unter Hoff- entire residential area in Athens with the help of solar collectors, heat pumps and combined heat and power units. Between 1980 and 1986, he worked as a project manager for the Federal Republic of Germany test- ing solar energy systems in Australia, Indonesia and Mexico. However, the decisive step for Hoffmann towards founding the ifes was his role as Energy Commissioner for the city of Cologne. From 1986 to 1990, he was responsible for managing and supplying energy to around 1200 real estate properties. The aim of his work was to develop and supervise the implementation of energy concepts for buildings, districts and the sew- age plants in Cologne. As part of a research programme and to improve the design of energy-saving buildings, the rst simulation programmes were identi ed (if they were already available on the market) and their suitability was tested. Then it was the 1990s. The architects got braver, with glass architec- ture forging its way into construction. Hoffmann founded his consulting company in Frechen near Cologne – which made him hugely popular among civil engineers and architects, but was soon to receive criticism. According to Hoffmann, “As the German regulations on architects’ and engineers’ fees (HOAI) at the time were oriented to building costs and, with my calculation methods, I was able to forecast the energy require- ment and therefore the costs much more accurately, the con ict be- tween increased planning work and potentially lower fees was predes- tined.” However, in order to provide a broader base for the methods of the dynamic building and plant simulation, the Guideline Committee of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) on the “thermal and energy simulation of buildings and plants” was founded in 1996 together with its then competitors. This led to VDI Guideline 6020 - thermal and energy simulation of buildings and plants. The four pillars Since 1998, the services of this Cologne-based company, which advises and supports architects, engineers, entrepreneurs and clients through- out all the planning phases of a building structure, have been primarily based on four pillars. The largest proportion of the work done by the ifes is the comprehensive analysis and design of sustainable energy con- cepts, focusing in particular on the design and optimisation of building physics, energy technology, sound reduction and the issuing of the EnEV certi cate. And all of this whilst taking life cycle costs into account. A second important pillar is simulation. A basic distinction must be made here between thermal building simulation, plant simulation, Computa- tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and re and smoke extraction simulations. This pillar allows the objective, detailed analysis of concepts and designs in the early planning phases. The third pillar is based on the certi cation of buildings in accordance with the DGNB, BREEAM and LEED sustain- ability standards and on providing sustainability consultancy for clients and architects on the basis of the different certi cation systems, from the design stage right through to completion. A fourth area of expertise of the ifes is design and quality assurance, with a focus on approval, monitoring and consultancy for technical project and energy manage- ment. 1360 projects in 23 years The latest project of ifes is a green building: the “Visitor Centre of XiXi Wetland Park in Hangzhou / China”, for which Hoffmann and his team had created the energy and climate concept and which has now been awarded the LEED Platinum and the illustrious Chinese ELITE Award 2013 in Gold in the Architecture category. Other current ifes projects are the “Dancing Towers” by Bothe Richter Teherani from Hamburg and the Emporio Tower in Hamburg by HPP. ifes supervised the modernisation ©SchücoInternationalKG,Bielefeld/GER
